Byleth×Flayn Support Conversations
C Support
フレン: ね、先生。少しお時間いただいてもよろしくて?
Flayn: Excuse me, Professor. May I have a moment of your time?
Byleth: 構わない Certainly.
フレン: 嬉しいですわ!先生にお話を聞かせていただきたくって。
Flayn: Ah, wonderful! I was hoping you might enlighten me. About yourself, that is. You see, I happen to be quite curious about you.
Byleth: 何で? Oh? Why is that?
フレン: だって、あなたって……、不思議な雰囲気を纏っていらっしゃるから。
Flayn: Well, because. There is something different about you. You possess an air of mystery...
I could not help but notice when first we met. I am intrigued, to say the least.
I find it rather difficult to put into words...
Were I to wax poetic, I would say you remind me of the sea. Have you ever been, Professor?
Byleth: まあ、何度か……。 A few times, yes.
フレン: 広くて深くて底が見えないですわよね。水面は静かでも、中は深いんですの。
Flayn: The sea is vast. Boundless. On the surface, all seems still. Yet beneath that stillness, it is unfathomably deep. Within, it teems with life, yet without, one is lucky to glimpse a fleeting shadow. And yet, all one must do is cast a line to grasp hold of all that life! You cannot see it at a glance, but it is there all the same.
Byleth: What are you talking about, exactly?
フレン: え、お魚の……ううん、違いましたわ。先生が海みたいってお話でしたわね。
Flayn: About fish, of course! Oh, bother. I got sidetracked, didn't I? Right. About the sea...
During a storm, the once calm waters become mighty enough to overturn even the vastest ships. Not unlike you. You are calm—you carry yourself with poise. Yet you wield great power.
《EP.6 終了前》
フレン: でも、お兄様は少し不安みたいで、素性の知れぬ若造が……なんて仰るのです。
Flayn: My brother is uncertain of you, however. He referred to you as a youth of...dubious origin.
《EP.6 終了以降》
フレン: でも、お兄様は少し不安だったみたいで、素性の知れぬ若造が、なんて以前は仰って。
フレン: あっ、お兄様に悪気はないんですのよ?お仕事にとっても真面目な人なんですの。
Flayn: Oh, but please do not think ill of him! He is incredibly dedicated to his work.
So surely you understand why he would have doubts about one of whom he knows so little.
Nobody even seems to know your age! Incidentally, how old are you?
Choice 1: よくわからない…… I don't actually know.
フレン: ま! ご自分の年齢をご存じないの?本当に面白い方ですのね、あなたって。
Flayn: Wait—you do not know your own age? You truly are mysterious!
Choice 2: 教えられない…… I'd rather not say.
フレン: ま! 教えられないということは、やはり、すっごくお若くてらっしゃるの?
Flayn: Aha! I suspect that if you choose not to say, you must be quite young.
フレン: うーん……どれだけ見ても、わたくしにはわかりませんけれど。
Flayn: Hmm... Looking at you, it is quite difficult for me to determine. I wonder... Could you be younger than your own students?
Byleth: そちらこそ何歳? how old are you?
フレン: ……え? わたくし?
Flayn: Who, me? Well, I am roughly the same age as the other youths here!
Byleth: 生徒たちより若く見える…… You look younger than the others...
フレン: そーんなこと、あるはずありませんのよ?だって、本当に、そうですもの。
Flayn: Be that as it may, it is simply not the case.
《EP.6 終了前》
フレン: ……そうそう、だからわたくしもね、本当は学校に入りたいんですのよ。
Flayn: Oh, by the way, I... I have actually been considering enrolling in the academy myself. But my brother will not allow it. He is a touch overprotective at times...
《EP.6 終了以降》
フレン: ……そうそう、だからわたくしもね、本当は学校に入りたかったんですの。
フレン: あっ、いけない。お忙しい先生を、あんまりお引き止めできませんわよね!
Flayn: Oh! My apologies! I am sure you have much work to do. I will not keep you any longer. We must speak again sometime...if that would be all right. Have a lovely day!
B Support
フレン: ……先生、久しぶりに少し、お話をさせていただいても?
Flayn: It has been a while since we last spoke, Professor. Spare me a moment again, will you not?
Byleth: 構わない Of course.
フレン: あのね、わたくし、先生に助けていただいて先生の学級にも入れていただいたでしょう?
Flayn: You recall how you helped me and allowed me to join your class, yes? I have learned a great many things since then. Indeed, I have truly grown so much! This personal growth is due, in large part, to you. And I wish to express my gratitude, sincerely.
Byleth: そこまで大人になってもいないような…… I'm not sure you've grown that much...
フレン: ま! 先生は、わたくしがまだ子供っぽいとでも仰いますの?
値切るってご存じ? 安くお買い物ができるよう、お店の方と交渉するんですの。
Flayn: Excuse me? Are you implying that I am still naive?
I will have you know that I have made many friends, and am constantly learning new things!
Why, when I go to the market—alone—I even haggle!
You must be familiar with the delicate art of haggling—in which one negotiates a lower asking price for an item.
That is the type of knowledge common only to those as mature as myself!
Byleth: そもそも年齢はいくつだっけ……? How old are you, again?
フレン: ……え? わたくし?
Flayn: Who, me? Um, have you not asked this once before? It is a bit rude to ask repeatedly, you know.
Byleth: 聞いてないような…… You never told me.
フレン: そう? 年齢と言えば、あなたこそ、あやふやなままではありませんこと?
Flayn: Is that so? Well, it seems we have something in common, since I do not know your age either. Come now. There is nothing to be gained from focusing so heavily on age. Touching on a previous discussion, I think I have learned more about you. I mentioned how you possess an air of mystery... I compared you to any old sea, but I have come to realize you are more like a particular sea—one I have seen before. When I was a quite small, my mother would take me out to play in the sea. She was an excellent fisher, my mother. I grew to love fish deeply because of her...
Byleth: 何の話を……? Where are you going with this?
フレン: え、お魚の……ううん、違いましたわね。先生が「昔見た海」みたいってお話ですわ。
Flayn: Well, you see, fish are— Oh, er, wait. I was talking about the sea, was I not? Anyhow... I sense that, like the sea, your depths are seemingly impenetrable. Yet, despite your unknowable depths, there is something...familiar about you. It is as if we have met somewhere, long, long ago...
Byleth: 会ったことがある? You think we've met before?
フレン: いえ、それはないと思いますわよ。だから不思議なんですの。
Flayn: No, I do not think so. It is all quite strange, really. I wonder if we might be distant relatives... No, that cannot be it, either. After all, if we were related, that would mean... Hm, though considering all that Rhea has done, it is not entirely outside the realm of possibility... Hm? Oh, apologies. Just muttering to myself. It is nothing. Mutterings aside, I mean to say that you do not feel like a stranger to me. For whatever reason, I feel deeply connected to you. And for this, I am glad.
A Support
フレン: ………………。
Flayn: ......
Byleth: どうした? What's wrong?
フレン: まっ、先生!?
Flayn: Oh, hello, Professor! How nice to see you. You caught me off guard. I was actually just thinking about you.
Byleth: 何でため息を? Why the sigh?
フレン: あ、いえ、その……先生のことが、わからなくって。
Flayn: Just a moment ago? Well, I... I... I am afraid I just do not understand you. When first we met, I sensed something different about you—something mysterious. And now I am convinced. Your existence itself is very special. Thinking on it, I know it to be true. You have a Crest that should have been lost long ago. You wield the Sword of the Creator as if it is nothing... Your hair and eye color changed on that day five years ago. To the same sort of color as mine and my brother's...
Byleth: それは何を意味すると? What does it all mean?
フレン: わからないんですの。お兄様は何も話してくれないから。
Flayn: I do not know. My brother refuses to speak to me of it.
Since then, you have led us into battle and, thus far, we have always come out victorious.
Your comrades and colleagues adore you. They believe in you—in your strength.
I doubt that there is a single soul who is likened to you. Who are you really?
Byleth: わからない I don't know.
フレン: やっぱり、おわかりになりませんのね。
Flayn: I simply do not understand.
Whatever the case may be, having hair like mine is proof that there is something exceptional about you.
I may as well come forward with things.
I, too, am unlike others.
Byleth: 違う? How so?
フレン: 以前、悪い人たちがわたくしの血を狙った事件がありましたでしょ?
Flayn: Surely you recall when I was targeted, specifically for my blood?
I may not be special in the ways you are, but my blood is rare.
It seems the two of us share a special...differentness.
I also believe that we are bound together in some way.
Of this I am certain. Therefore, I intend to stay by your side and watch over you.
Your existence must be preserved at all cost.
Byleth: 逆に自分が守ってみせる I would rather protect you.
フレン: まあ! 先生ったら。かっこいいこと仰って。
Flayn: Certainly those are the words of a hero! Let us unite our powers—together, we are unstoppable!
S Support
フレン: ……つまり、どういうことですの?
Flayn: Tell me... What is it you are actually trying to say?
Byleth: 今、話したとおり……I told you already...
フレン: こんなところに呼び出して、そんな冗談を仰るなんて……。
Flayn: You cannot possibly be serious.
How can this be true?
You are sincerely saying that the progenitor god, Sothis, dwells within you and that you have inherited her power?
That is utterly...bizarre.
Byleth: でも、本当に…… But it's the truth.
フレン: それなら、お聞きしますけれど、先生は、男性と女性のどちら?
Flayn: If I may be so bold, do you consider yourself male or female? I have only ever heard of you referred to as a male, but Sothis is most assuredly female. Am I to believe that you are a male goddess? I am not certain how much sense that makes... I suppose there are circumstances by which such a thing is possible...
Byleth: 自分が女神というわけでは…… I never said I was a goddess.
フレン: 違うんですの? 力を継いだ、というのは、ソティスと同化した、ということでしょう?
Flayn: Oh, are you not? But if you have inherited her power, then surely the two of you have become one. Gah, it all makes my head spin. I suppose I will take your word for it.
Byleth: これを…… Flayn... I want you to have this.
フレン: ……これは指輪ですわね。女性ものの。
Flayn: This is a ring... Oh my, it is beautiful! So delicate and feminine. Is this your ring? So then, you walk around with a women's ring. Surely this is proof that–
Byleth: そうじゃなくて…… You're missing the point.
フレン: え……?あっ、思い出しましたわ!
Flayn: Am I? Oh! Oh, wait! Now I recall!
I have heard that it is customary to bestow a ring upon the person one wishes to marry. Which would mean... Hmm. Does this mean what I think it means?
Byleth: 結婚してほしい Will you marry me, Flayn?
フレン: わたくしと……先生が……結婚を?
Flayn: Me? You? Us? You mean to tell me that you have fallen in love... with me?
Byleth: 愛している I love you dearly.
フレン: あ、あい……あわわ……
Flayn: I think I might faint! I... No one has ever... Well, of course they have not. My apologies. I am quite taken aback! Are you most certain I am the one whom you love?
フレン: わたくし、あなたとは何かの絆で結ばれていると思っていましたけれど……
Flayn: I always knew there was a deep, special bond between us. I never quite imagined that it might develop into this. Or...perhaps I did imagine it. Often. I must ask once more–are you certain that you are not the goddess Sothis?
Byleth: 違うと言っている I'm not. Really.
フレン: ふふ、ごめんなさい。この指輪、謹んでお受けしますわ。
Flayn: This is all so surreal. I graciously accept your proposal and this beautiful ring.
Flayn: Your heart is as vast as the ocean. I ask that you wrap me in your embrace, for now and for all eternity.
Goddess Tower
フレン: ……あら、そこにいらっしゃるのは、先生じゃなくって?
Flayn: Professor? Is that you over there?
Flayn: It seems both of us were curious about this place.
Byleth :何の話? What are you talking about?
フレン: あら、違うんですの?
Flayn: Oh, perhaps I was mistaken. I figured you had come to this tower after having heard the legend.
Byleth 伝説とは? What legend?
フレン: うふふ、ご存じないの? わたくしも先日、お友達に教えていただいたばかりですけど。
Flayn: You've not heard of it, then? I suppose I only recently learned of it myself, from a friend. Legend tells that on the night of a ball, when a man and woman pledge vows at this very tower... The goddess will bestow her blessing, ensuring those vows come to pass. Of course, such things do not really come to pass. But there are many who place stock in this legend.
Flayn: I wondered what sort of vows youths tend to pledge... So here I am, hoping to gain deeper understanding. Only to bump into you! Are you meeting someone here, perchance?
Byleth: していない No, I'm not.
フレン: あら、残念。もう誰もいらっしゃらないのかしら……。
Flayn: That's unfortunate. I wonder if anyone else will be coming...
Flayn: Professor? If the legend were true, what type of vow might you pledge?
Byleth: さあ…… It's hard to say...
フレン: 思いつきませんの?相手がいないと、想像できません?
Flayn: No ideas? Perhaps your imagination is lacking due to the lack of a partner.
Flayn: What say you to being my partner? How about sharing a vow with me?
I'll give you until the count of three to come up with something heartfelt and honorable.
One...two...three! Go ahead!
Choice 1: いつまでも一緒にいよう May we always be together.
Choice 2: 二人で幸せになろう May we both find joy.
フレン: ……!
Flayn: Oh! You made my heart flutter!
Flayn: I see. This is the type of vow one would make to another. You've taught me well, as a professor should. I'm most certainly wiser and more mature than I was, even just moments ago.
Flayn: Oh dear. What if the goddess really did hear your vow? Although...I suppose I would not mind if that turned out to be the case. I bid you good evening.